Legal Notice
This section is just to explain that any reference made to trademarked entities is merely
coincidental or in order to explain functionality. External companies, such as Sega and Sony, do not
endorse or recognise any of my software, and I act as a lone developer - they have nothing
to do with the software I create.
It is important to note however, that emulation is perfectly legal, and has been verified to be so numerous times the world over. What is not legal however, is downloading copyrighted software such as ROMs from the Internet when you don't have the licence to do so. PotterSoft/Phil Potter do not endorse this in any way whatsoever. If you wish to play ROMs then either dump the relevant images yourself from software you legally own, or make use of the homebrew community.
There is a burgeoning homebrew community producing new software for the Master System and Game Gear at SMSPower.
Within some of my apps and on this website, I used to make use of the Google AdSense/Admob platform, and also Google Analytics. This was to generate a small amount of revenue to try and recoup hosting and development costs. To comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, I decided the easiest route was to simply remove all ads and analytics, as they were not generating much revenue anyway, and implementing comprehensive consent tracking is too much work for me in addition to the work I want to focus on.
In summary, PotterSoft no longer tracks you for personalised ad purposes or any other reason, via the browser or any of my apps.
Individual Privacy Policies
Below are individual privacy policies, to give more specific privacy information where appropriate:
MasterEmu - MasterEmu Privacy Policy